Boring …isn’t it?
One of the most difficult or maybe the only difficulty in life is to decide whether to understand it or let it go
To sit and analyse life or rationalize the natural human emotions and feelings is actually an escape from it , it is to supress the natural being and force and fool ourselves to into something that we are not but there is a pleasure in escape ,there is momentary relief in it but just for a moment . To allow yourself to be bored is the greatest thing a human can do , instead of trying to fill the emptyness with money , different places, different food , all sorts of art , multiple partners….it won’t stop it will never do ,once you start filling, you have to always need to keep it filling with something else, trying to find new escapes and convince ourselves to believe it to be true but there is self in us which says “ nope’s not you ” ….to be bored is bliss , in order to understand the nature of joy , we must go through boredom without condemning it , without escaping it , it’s not a test of our mental endurance it is what it is , it is a natural state of being , all other things are just an escape which are created by us , humans , which keeps us distracted from understanding ourselves and when we decide to do so, we just can’t allow ourselves because this urge to find new escape has overpowered us and it is out of control or maybe we will just never discover ourselves , maybe we’ll just discover what we are not .